Tall Men’s Raglan Three Quarter Shirt by Tall Slim Tees

Tall Slim Tees (TST) makes my favorite t-shirts for tall slim men. The fit is so perfect for my tall yet thin build that it’s almost as if they made them custom for me. The problem though with getting such great fitting tall men’s clothing is that many of my other t-shirts no longer feel quite right. So why don’t I just get all my t-shirts from TST, you ask? Well, TST only does solid color shirts, which you can only have so many of. But lucky for us tall slim guys, TST is starting to shake things up…

Tall Men's Three Quarter Raglan Shirt by Tall Slim Tees

Tall Slim Tees


They just released their three quarter raglan tall slim shirt ($25 minus 5% coupon: “Tall”). If you’re wondering what the heck’s a raglan shirt, it’s named after the Baron Raglan. He found that having a separate sleeve made it easier for him to wield his sword. And though his descendants traded in swords for baseball bats, they still liked the freedom permitted by raglan shirts. I’m kidding about the descendants bit–but baseball players do seem to have a particular affinity for raglan shirts.

I suck at baseball. It’s perhaps for this reason I’ve never worn a raglan shirt. However, I have to say I’ve become rather a fan. But then I figure I would like anything that fits as awesome as TST’s shirts. I went for the medium tall, which works great for my 6′7″ 215 lb build.

Just like the original TST t-shirts, the material is a nice 50-50 blend of cotton and polyester that drapes great. I’ve been wearing my original TST t-shirt for a couple years now and it has held up nicely. Note though that I never put it in the drier–only hang dry. This isn’t to say it wouldn’t hold up in the drier–I just like to preserve my finer garments best I can.

Tall Slim Raglan Men's T-Shirts Colors

These tall slim raglan t-shirts come in a variety of colors. So with TSTs solid colors and raglan shirts, a wardrobe does start to fill out. But it goes without saying–more variety would be better. I would like to see some graphics, like maybe a giraffe or a redwood. What do you suggest?

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