The Zero Gravity Chair/Recliner Adaptation for Tall People 8

The rather inaptly named zero gravity chair is becoming more common. Unlike its name might suggest, the zero gravity chair does not come with the elusive sci-fi anti gravity drive. But it does provide an ergonomically useful resting position. The zero gravity chair I’m modifying here is of the outdoor variety, and can be had for around 50 bucks in stores, on Amazon (see affiliate image link), or even various classifieds. Problem with it is, my arms and legs hang off either side of it… recently, however, I realized how easy it is to modify:

Zero Gravity Chair for Modifying
  1. Remove all the cords and cloth
  2. Cut the back support tubes about 7″ from the top
  3. Insert 3/4″ dowels (mine were 15″ long) and tape over to keep the water out
  4. Reattach the cloth with cords, only further up
  5. Use small pillow(s) to give your long spine extra support wherever you need it
A Zero Gravity Lounge Recliner Deck after Adaptation for Tall People

Note how there’s a gap where the calves should be supported. I intend to eventually get another piece of cloth to attach there and maybe extend this part of the chair too. But for now, its a huge improvement!

Tall People Zero Gravity Lounge Recliner Deck Chair

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8 thoughts on “The Zero Gravity Chair/Recliner Adaptation for Tall People

    • Tall Life Post author

      I’m glad someone else is up to making such adaptations as this! I should mention the wooden dowels rotted after a few years, so I replaced them and covered the new ones with electrical tape. But then another year later the cloth rotted. I’m thinking I’ll do a new version at some point that doesn’t involve cutting the original chair but rather is an attachment pillow of sorts.

      Best of luck and thanks for writing in!

  • JohnO

    Growing up, a close family friend, also in my parents tall club, had a fabulous mid-century home overlooking a fast moving creek. She had an array of butterfly chairs with different color covers on the deck overlooking the creek. I loved those chairs and lucked into a set of three vintage metal frames. Covers are available from a website, in lots of colors. I’m 6’9″ and for me they are the ultimate patio slouch chairs. To bridge the area between the back ‘wings’ I use a boat cushion, the kind that is square, has two strap handles, and could double as a life preserver. I put my feet up on a taller plastic table, if I put them up at all. The down side is they can be difficult to get out of, but I’ve figured out a way that works for me. Bonus, it has helped me getting out of other low chairs.

    BTW, one piece metal frames are also available at the website I get canvas covers for the butterfly chairs. The folding chairs are not the same, and the covers that fit those do not fit the one piece frames. The website is circa50 dot com.

  • Earl

    Thank you. Here’s a modification to extend the cloth over the legs: get s small sheet of 1/8 inch plywood, long enough to go from where the cloth ends., rest the other end on the foot bar, and duct tape it in place. Take a pillow, rest it on the wood piece, and secure it with a bungee cord. Then, buy a cushioned pad to place over the chair, such as this one.
    Problem is that with the extra weight on the foot end, I had to force my body weight backwards to get the chair to recline. Hopefully you have some ideas to fix that problem. Thanks.